Trying to weave character conflicts in an intricate dance that will move the story forward has had me tied in knots on several occasions. I did a lot of research in hopes of refining this part of my process and came up with a ton of questionnaires, character arc outlining tips, etc. but nothing has really helped to really get to the heart of my characters or not quickly, anyway.
Then recently, I came across a great technique of choosing an overarching action verb for characters. And, Eureka! Read Author Damon Suede's verb technique of constructing characters here. This isn't just for writing Romance, Night Writers, this is a phenomenal technique for all storytellers.
I first came across the notion of applying verbs to characters' goals, while in the performing arts. Actioning is a technique of the Stanislavski's acting method. So, this idea of choosing action verbs for my characters really clicked for me. I think it will for you, too.
Since using action verbs to build my characters has been a game changer for me, I thought I would list out some possible verbs for the three types of Gothic Heroes. Yes, there are three types, the Byronic Hero, the Satanic Hero and the Promethean Hero. A great description of the three types can be found on Author Kristin Miller's blog post about Writing the Gothic Hero.
The action verbs I've listed may be applicable all types of Gothic Hero as there are obviously some similarities and sometimes a character can be a blend of one or more of these.
Gothic Hero Action Verbs
Adore Adulate Advocate Allure Amend Analyze Annoy Appraise Appropriate Assess Attack Attract Authorize
Balance Beat Beguile Better Belittle Blackmail Blame Blast Browbeat Bury
Calm Captivate Capture Castigate Censure Challenge Champion Charm Cheat Chide Circumscribe Coerce Command Compel Con Condemn Confront Conquer Constrain Control Convict Convince Correct Cover Covet Criticize Crush Curb Curse Cuss
Damn Deceive Decry Defeat Defend Defraud Defy Degrade Deify Delegate Delude Demolish Denounce Derail Derange Desire Despise Destabilize Destroy Dignify Disarm Disobey Drive Drown Dupe
Ease Elude Empower Empty Enable Enamor Encase Enchant Encompass Endorse Enforce Engulf Ennoble Enshrine Entrance Entrap Envelope Envy Escort Extort
Fascinate Focus Fool Force
Gag Glorify Govern Gull
Harbor Harass Hector Hoax House Humor Hush
Idolize Impel Instruct
Level License Lull Lure
Mesmerize Moderate Mock Motivate Muddle Muffle Mute Muzzle Mystify
Obligate Oblige Outlaw Overmaster Overpower
Permit Perplex Persuade Plunge Press Protect Provoke Punish Puzzle
Qualify Quell Quieten
Rebuff Reform Reject Repress Reprimand Reprove Revile Revere Rule
Safeguard Sanction Scold Scorn Screen Secure Shelter Shield Sink Strengthen Submerge Subsume
Thwart Tranquillize Treasure Tyrannize
Unsettle Urge
Veil Venerate
Warrant Worry Worship Wrap
This is definitely not a complete list of the possible action verbs, so if one here doesn't fit your Gothic Hero, I encourage you to search for one that does.
A great resource for finding action verbs is the book ACTIONS The Actor's Thesaurus.
Have you ever used this verbing technique? If you have, is it getting you to the heart of your characters? If you haven't do you think it is something you'd give a try? Leave me a comment letting me know.
Stay Beautifully Haunted, Night Writers!
♥ Shadow.
Update: Damon Suede has a book out on Action Verbing titled Verbalize. I highly recommend you add it to your writing resource arsenal.